Description and specifications
We are setting new standards in Central Germany with our laser cutting technology.
Laser welding has enormous advantages over the conventional welding process. Energy is applied efficiently and precisely. Less heat input results in very small structural change and welding distortion is significantly reduced. The time required for reworking laser welded joints is further minimalized compared to those produced by conventional welding methods.
With the TruLaser Robot 5020 laser welding cell from Trumpf, we are capable of producing both medium- and large-scale welding series.
We can redesign your components for the laser welding process. Device technology development can also be commissioned at ABP. In case of need, come to us!

TruLaser Robot 5020
- 3,0 KW welding power(TruDisk solid-state laser)
- Deep welding and thermal conduction welding on the same component with no extra equipment setup
- Rotary tilt positioner and manual turntable
- AdditionalNC round axis for welding rotationally symmetrical parts
- Teachline optics for measuring the components (optimization repeatability and welding quality)
- Wire feeding station for special requirements, e.g. welding of aluminum alloys
- Various part sizes available (depending on the complexity of the components and their accessibility)